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The Jews are taking the leadership of mankind

The Jews are taking the leadership of mankind

Even with a Jewish bite, there are also good Jews and bad Jews. The worst in the world is the Jew, and the most outstanding people are also Jews. It was the Jews who built modern studies, also created professional science and disseminated them to the world.

The Jews are thinking to build their own world by spreading some sort of world view to the world. This is the Jewish world revolution.

There are various ways of thinking among Jews, there is a way of thinking like Marx, and there is a way of thinking of Jesus Christ. This is the difference between heaven and earth.

I will tell you from the desire to urge everyone about the fact that the present civilization has been swept in the special direction and that the current learning is supposed to be a real academic discipline It is.

So it seems that some of the Jewish leaders are thinking that their idea is wrong.

The current civilization is that the few Jews are taking leadership and the Gentiles only have to follow it.

Like bosses in animal companions, there are bosses in human beings as well. The human boss is Jewish. However, if the boss's method is incorrect, all the companions will be destroyed. This is in trouble.

The Japanese are not bosses. If Japanese people say they have to follow a Jew to wail their tail, it is not that way.

The Jewish idea is hegemonism. It is no doubt that the contemporary civilization is being swayed by the Jewish hegemonism. But there is no need for Japanese to follow Judaism anywhere.

Civilization should be for human beings. There should be civilization for human beings, not human beings for civilization.

Humans do not have to be dragged by Judaism. The current school education in Japan is being dragged by Judaism and the state that the university people taking leadership in Japan shows clearly that it is being danced by Judaism is.

The current Jewish civilization is stalled. This is a Jewish leader also acknowledging. Nuclear weapons abolition does not progress easily. Far from abolishing nuclear weapons, it is spreading. There is no way to solve the conflict between Israel and Arab at all.

So I think that Japan must advocate the view of the new civilization toward the world. What Japanese people think of human original purpose, real civilization way should be done inevitably.

Only the Japanese can point out Jewish mistakes. We should say clearly that human beings all over the world are annoyed by Jewish mistakes. Jews can advise if they are advice of the Japanese. Even if it is told by ethnic groups other than Japanese, I do not listen. In that sense, it seems to be waiting for advice from the Japanese.

First of all, I would like you to think about life. No matter how much civilization develops, all the people today will die. Everyone is determined to die as it is now. I would like to think about life here.

To that end, it is very important to understand the sky of the General Sutra. The sky is the basic principle. Currently I do not know the sky, but only Japanese are trying to think. There is no way of thinking of sky in white world society at all. The Japanese do not know, but there is a general wartship.

The colorful air is an invaluable valuable worldwide property.

However, if you call it colorful, why flowers are blooming. This is a problem that science can not explain. I need a big idea beyond science.

Science, medicine, law, etc. are specialized subjects, and specialty is partial. It is not partial, it requires general learning.

It is how we perceive the living human beings. It clearly identifies the substance of life. Everyone's common sense is also a type of specialization. I can not say it is a specialty but it is a professional idea. Common sense is necessary for physical human beings, but human beings living physically is only over 80 or 90 years.

However, the life of everyone's soul is different from what is only while living in this world. Physical life is only about ninety years. In the soul there is a previous life before being born, this world and the afterlife after leaving this world.

For human beings to be born in this world, there must have been the cause. In Buddhism this is called the past world. The past is continuing over the past world, this world and the afterlife.

Everyone would have drunk their mother's boobs within 24 hours of their birth. The baby knows how to drink boobs. Even if my mother does not teach it instinctively I know. Human instinct refers to the state in which the past life appears in this world. This is instinct.

Instinct is the principle before it is born. Everyone is eating and drinking now according to instinct. If it is not instinctive, the five officials will not work. Everything you see with your ears, listening with your ears is a function of instinctive life.

The body of the five officials was before it was born. Now you are physically using the five officials. When you leave this world, the soul will go into the future.

Things that everyone will come alive are called souls, but as long as this thing does not die, it will not go away. If it dies and disappears, you do not have to do a funeral or a bureaucrat.

Humans have instincts to think about what will happen when they die. Therefore, life comes from the previous life to this world, the next world.

There is a big life in the universe, and it is circling. We have experienced the cycle of life for 80 to 90 years. While experiencing this life, if you can grasp the essence of life you will not die. I'd like you to do this.

Jesus broke death because he got the essence of life. I was killed on the cross and it was revived on the third day. It is still alive now.

Jesus proved that human life is not the only thing of this world. Even if Jesus did not prove you all were born and there is the fact that they drank their mother's boobs within 24 hours. It is drinking by the life before it was born.

Those who once experienced this life as a human can not leave this life. For those who lived in this world for 20 or 30 years, life and the soul of that person are united. (Content quoted from Kanji Kajiwara's book)

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