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Human completion is the best purpose of life

Human completion is the best purpose of life

If you do not complete your character, everyone's life will be in vain. The personality of everyone who was made in the shape of God has a purpose only to go in the direction of God.

The purpose of life is completion of personality. This is the best goal. We are living to complete our lives.

The Japanese use the word spirit, but this is the spirit of religion, the spirit of emerging religion.

A movie actor holds a lecture and talks about a spirit, but he is a famous person as an actor, but in order to sell his name more by using a famous position, it seems like he has seen it He is telling a lie. By listening to those people, the actor more and more speaks selfishly in tune.

For those who are lost, you will think that it is true if you are told that you are lost. The actor is doing it to sell his name, so that is fine as well.

Life is different from such foolish things. The essence of the life and the body's life are different now that everyone will come alive. The essence of life is spirit. The word spirit is right to use in this meaning.

Humans are experiencing being physically alive, but this is the life of the world, but the spirit points to the essence of life.

Your heart is moving, what does this mean? The essence of what the heart is moving is spirit. The human heart is made up of cells, but if you say why they are gathering, it becomes a spirit.

The fact that cells are working is physically or physiologically said, but where cells are working and where they are working.

For example I am seeing it. Eye cells are working. Gastrointestinal cells work when gastrointestinal work works. The human body has respiratory function, digestion absorption function, excretion function, but it is how such functionality and rationality are born. This is a spirit.

This explanation can not be done by academics. Although explanation of the function can be done by academic discipline, I do not know how the whole human function is made. This is a spirit.

I do not understand it in the current science as it becomes a fundamental problem as to why the Earth was made. Without the earth, neither humans nor animals can exist.

I say that the earth could be built 4.5 billion years ago, but I do not explain why I was able to do it. I believe that in science it was coincidental. People also happened to be born by chance. This is a materialistic way of thinking.

If a human being was born by chance, there should not be thinking of ethics, morality, we must obey the law. But humans can not live without thinking about law or morality at all. Marx's theory stalls here.

Marx thought that human being was born by chance. Being born by chance is just being cheating, saying that it was born by chance, because we can not have an accurate perception that human beings were born.

Marx is Jewish. There are people of various ideas among Jews, so it is not so if we say that only people who think like Marx are Jews.

The idea that living physically is the purpose of life, the so-called materialistic way of thinking is the present human opinion, this is a Jewish trick. The Jews are spreading such ideas, but I do not believe that Jews believe in materialism.

Even Marx developed and advertised the theory of communism, but he did not believe if he believed communism in itself.

Lenin was not a communist. It was just a Russian revolution using communism. It was a Jewish idea.

There is a trick in the world history. Humans from all over the world are being treated by Jews. It is being stuck to roll the dumplings on the palm of the hand.

Everyone is well aware of this kind of thing, I would like you to accurately consider your life. So the most necessary thing is looking at the sky. While oxidizing, the fact that there is thing while aging is not present but things appear weathered.

For example, flowers will weather quickly in proportion. It will change to a completely changed state after a few days. The fact that flowers are in bloom is the life of the earth appearing. It sucks out the soil's life and comes to life in the form of a flower.

When saying what life is, life is appearing as weathering. There is a relationship between weathering and life, but it is not the same thing. Weathering is physical exercise. Life is the truth about the life of the universe.

There is the Earth, flowers bloom, fruits tangle, rain falling, but what is the phenomenon like this? When it comes to such a thing, it can not be explained by academics.

Current academic disciplines are science, law, physiology, political science, economics, but everything is specialized. Law studies specialize in law and politics studies politics expertly.

Even with science, there are both science that thinks there are substances and science that thinks that there are no substances. Even if we say science in a bite, we must say whether science is material science or material science. Science also has the opposite direction.

Current academics are each specialized in science. It is quite a matter of specialization but professionalism is different from real school. Professionalism is partial.

Physics is studying only physics expertly, not related to law and politics. However, it is not partly living that human beings are alive. Your life is politically, legally, economically and scientifically living with various aspects. There is also a connection to the world of moral and religious loyalty.

In doing so, the substance of human life is not partial, professional. However, the current university's academic discipline has become too professional. Legal experts do not know about science. That's why we pass. Since I am a lawyer, even if I say that I do not know science, I do pass.

Even if it says that scientists do not know about philosophy at all. However, it can not be said that human life lives with only one specialty.

Current technical specialization refers to partial learning, not studying overall learning. So the more you study the professionalism, the more human the head becomes partial. It gets settled by partial thinking. There are such evils. This is a harmful effect of Judaism.

The current learning has a very big harm. People who studied such academics become politicians, become mayors, become presidents of the company, become critics, and society will gradually get worse.

(Content quoted from Kanji Kajiwara's book)

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