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Immortality of the soul

Immortality of the soul

The soul is immortal. Immortality is different from spirit being saved. Immortality means that it will not disappear. Since the essence of the soul comes from God, it never disappears. Since humans come out of God and live in this world, the soul which is the human nature does not disappear. It is awful to see what happens to human nature after leaving the world if you do not study clearly. The immortality of a soul is different from being saved. Both the meaning that the soul is saved and the meaning that the soul is judged are immortal. To be tried is immortal in the sense that it is afflicted. To be saved is immortal in the sense that it is given to grace. The word of immortality can be taken for evermore salvation and can be taken forever. Either way it is forever. This is the nature of the soul. That is why we have to investigate the substance of life. What is life? In the original Bible published in the Meiji 20 year (1887), I translate the life as a raw. I am translating it as an eternal life. Translated Bible, Spoken Translation The Bible is forever the life. True eternal life is the correct translation. Raw refers to the essential life of the soul, the life of God. Life is the life the human being lives physically in this world. Life refers to the essence of life. Life is called but life and life are different. So it is important for everyone to recognize real life. What to do to believe in Jesus. Christian people say Jesus, but it is the foundation that you believe in Jesus as human being. However, the New Testament does not write so. John wrote that "He gave the power to become a child of God to those who accepted him, that is to those who believed in his name" (John 1: 12). Whether or not you are given the power to become a child of God is a question. This is not in Christianity. I believe that I became a child of God without giving me the power to be a child of God. This is a unilateral belief. It is not a unified religion. You have to follow the words of the Bible exactly. It is to receive him. Receiving is receiving (English) in English. What would it be like to receive him? If you say what to do to receive Jesus, you become a person who believes in his name. What to do to believe in his name. This is not opened at all in the present Christianity. No pastor or father knows his name in Japanese Christianity. So I have to study Bible which is not religious. What does it mean to believe in his name? For example, if you mention the name of Yudha 's name in Buddhist Amida sutra and say Nembutsu, it is said that Buddha will come to pick you up at the end of the death. It is very similar to this chapter and chapter 12 of the Gospel according to John the previous time. Buddhism Amitabha is apparently written by Ryuki Bodhisattva. This seems to be different from the theory of Buddha. It seems that after the contents of the New Testament came to India, it seems that Ryuki mixed this and the enlightenment of Buddha well and wrote it well. I am well acquainted with the name of Amitabha Nyorai 's name, and there is a case of Nembutsu but what is the name of Amitabha Nyorai' s name? Amitabha Nyorai was not Mr. Tathagata from the beginning. There was a monk named Jogan Higaoka, who realized his body. To say how I realized it, I realized that I am empty. I realized that I am empty in the same sense as Nirvana of Wakasa Kei. And I realized what my entity was. I found out that there were two in the sky and one in the substance. Yes is two things to live here and to have the power to think. What I am living here is an inefficient longevity. The fact that there is power to think is an ineptic light Tathaga. Lifeless longevity is about life. The lightless Nagori is wisdom. I realized that there are two things, life and wisdom, and I thought this was my body. I thought that I am a person who I am, but I realized that it was a mistake. I realized that my body is not a person called Dharma color (legal monkyu), but an inseparable longevity, an ineffective light Tathagata two Tathagata in himself. This is Amitabha Nyorai. The monk Dharma color has disappeared. The dummy color monk who was a proper name disappeared and it became empty. I am Amida Bar (Litteless Ladybird) and Amida Yusu (Unknown Light Tathagata) who are not empty. I realized that life is eternal than everyday longevity. Amitabha Nyorai is an infinite Tathagata. I realized this was my body. Three minutes' thought is not understood unless you consider nirvana of the general warts. I am convinced that the Amida sutra and the great dead weight sutra of other fellowship application are based on the general wartschase. Even Nembutsu thinking is that way.

(Content quoted from Kanji Kajiwara's book)

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